People often look at their results and wish they would change. It's important to realise that your results are an outcome and not the root cause.
Behaviours (or actions) produce results. What drives your behaviour? Behaviour is the external expression of your Values. Attitude is the internal representation, or applied beliefs and values. Values describe the worth that a person attaches to something. It's a mechanism for life prioritisation. What's important to you in the context. In turn, values are based on Belief. Beliefs are your internal feelings, which are accepted as truth. They may be unproven or even irrational, but are still accepted as truth. To find out more about Values development, I like the work of Abe Maslow and Robert Hardman. So, for better results: 1. Update your Beliefs 2. Re-prioritise your Values 3. Adjust your Attitude 4. Modify your Behaviours 5. Expect different Results